Q wak

Q wak
HYPER-QUBE - New Jerusalem - ZION - METATRON - The Perfect Ashlar

Q wak examines the philosophy behind the Great Work and the methods employed 2 $-Q(u)AIR the CIRC-L ... examines ancient mythology .. the Q-ode in the ENGL language .. as well as emerging mega technologies utilized by KONTROL ushering in the SiNguLaRitY or Q .. Q wak aides the $eeK for the RE-aL of SENTIENCE

Thursday, April 29, 2010


the double V or W is the great work...it depicts the Masonic five points of fellowship...W=two below and three above
it depicts the cosmic W-AVE that connects the heaven and hell....
it shows the W-AYe E-VER(true green)-lasting...the double V or W is the 23 letter of the alphabet--2+3=5...this makes it a HOR-IZ-ON-tal E...the W is the W-ORe-K-ing of the M-ATE-erial that the C_RAFT is engaged in...the craft is Kaabalism or the artful manipulation to achieve a rebalancing of polar energy...so the W-ORe-D W-IN means to achieve a higher altitude from the deepest base with-IN PRIMA-MATERIA...see Mackey's definition of the concept of N-ORe-TH in freemasonry....in the words of the REBEL general Robert E Lee "the south shall rise again"

P = 16
T = 20
E = 5
N = 14

16+20+5+14 = 55 .. \ | / .. P+E+N+T = 55

P = 16 - 1+6=7 \ P=7
T = 20 - 2+0=2 \ t=2
E = 5
N = 14 - 1+4=5 \ n=5

P = 7
---------E=5 + N=5 -_-_-_-_} PENT = 72x5 = 360
T = 2

2012 / 72 / E / 5 / ZION

2012 = Z10N = 7IO2 = noiz

72 X 5 = 360 (CIRC-L)

2+0+1+2 = 5 = E(STANDING STONE)


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