Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or
in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a
man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
On the RIGHT HAND and IN the FOREHEAD ... the hand is symbolic of action or making the WORD flesh(SON) ... the forehead is the realm of abstraction or thought (FATHER) ... between the thought and the action is the SHEKINA or HOLY GHOST(intention) ... so the M-ARK of the B-EAST or the EAST ARK BeaM is symbolic of a SCALAR JUMP where KONTROL has fully harnessed the free will creative power of its once sentient victims and is in full command of the ENGINE of WILL that is the human race
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their rightin their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a
man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
On the RIGHT HAND and IN the FOREHEAD ... the hand is symbolic of action or making the WORD flesh(SON) ... the forehead is the realm of abstraction or thought (FATHER) ... between the thought and the action is the SHEKINA or HOLY GHOST(intention) ... so the M-ARK of the B-EAST or the EAST ARK BeaM is symbolic of a SCALAR JUMP where KONTROL has fully harnessed the free will creative power of its once sentient victims and is in full command of the ENGINE of WILL that is the human race
hand, or
in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a
man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
On the RIGHT HAND and IN the FOREHEAD ... the hand is symbolic of action or
making the WORD flesh(SON) ... the forehead is the realm of abstraction
or thought (FATHER) ... between the thought and the action is the
SHEKINA or HOLY GHOST(intention) ... so the M-ARK of the B-EAST or the
EAST ARK BeaM is symbolic of a SCALAR JUMP where KONTROL has fully
harnessed the free will creative power of its once sentient victims and
is in full command of the ENGINE of WILL that is the human race
I think that the EAST ARK is alluding to a SCALAR WAVE FLUX that actually builds REALITY from the quantum field up 666 is in essence representing a set of nested spheres stacked in infinite density
each infinitesimal point in the structure is independent while at the same time completely enmeshed in every subsequent layer ... Therefore kontrol understands that if it creates a species capable of free will sentience and manages to capture the soul of the species it can then capitalize by gaining complete dominance of the creative energies thus expanding its own sphere of power exponentially
This concept can also be demonstrated with the famous Russian Matryoshka doll
found uniquely combined in a particular class of objects: the
figurate numbers. The simplest of these arises directly from the
operation of counting by reciting the sequence of natural numbers
thus: "One, one plus two, one plus two plus three,...",
so generating the triangular numbers, 1, 3, 6, and so on, without
limit. A typical example is seen in the game of snooker where, at
the beginning of each frame, the fifteen 'reds' are arranged in
the fashion of an equilateral triangle. Clearly, the symmetry of form observed
is a fundamental property of fifteen; it is completely
independent of any symbolism invented to represent it, and is
universal and immutable.
It transpires that 666 is a triangular number. Because it stands on a base of 36 it is designated the 36th in the series. But 36 is also triangular (the
8th) - as is every other numerical attribute of 666! This
remarkable fact - demonstrated below - is crowned by the
realisation that the sum of these triangular attributes is 216,
or 6.6.6 - ie a cube of side 6! This cube is itself unique in
that the number of squares that are visible on its six faces is
equal to the number of unit cubes from which it is constructed.
[It should not escape our attention that the riddle speaks of counting the number of the Beast. This is made literally possible
in the foregoing figure!]
in the foregoing figure!]
Numerical attribute of 666 | Value | Order of Triangle |
No of sides and angles | 3 | 2 |
Visible feature of 666 | 6 | 3 |
No of counters forming a side | 36, or 6.6 | 8 |
Visible feature of 666 | 66 | 11 |
No of counters forming outline | 105 | 14 |
The fertile role played by the digit '6' in this scenario is striking: 6, 6.6 (six times six), 66, and 666 are all triangular!
This remarkable sequence (which does not extend beyond this
point) is, of course, radix-dependent. In other words, were these
numbers to be expressed in any system other than denary the
visual binding would disappear.
This remarkable sequence (which does not extend beyond this
point) is, of course, radix-dependent. In other words, were these
numbers to be expressed in any system other than denary the
visual binding would disappear.
The entry of these rare examples of plane and solid numerical geometry into
these proceedings is highly significant for they represent
another important clue in our quest. Attention has already been
drawn to the simple but remarkable truth that the scriptures, as
originally written, may be fairly read as sets of numbers! Of
course, it would be natural to suppose that such numbers were
mere 'accidents of circumstance' - and hence, utterly devoid of
meaning. But what if it could be shown that they possess
substantial links with the elements of numerical geometry
depicted above?!
these proceedings is highly significant for they represent
another important clue in our quest. Attention has already been
drawn to the simple but remarkable truth that the scriptures, as
originally written, may be fairly read as sets of numbers! Of
course, it would be natural to suppose that such numbers were
mere 'accidents of circumstance' - and hence, utterly devoid of
meaning. But what if it could be shown that they possess
substantial links with the elements of numerical geometry
depicted above?!
Factorising 666, we obtain
- 666 = 6. 111 = 6. (3. 37)
- 666 = 18. 37 = (6+6+6). 37
The pleasing form of 111 (ie 100+10+1) and its multiples also depends on the background presence of ten - this feature disappearing if
we write the number in binary (1101111), in octal (157), in
hexadecimal (6F), or indeed, in any other system of numeration.
We have already noted that 3 - here represented as the number of
digits, as the sum of the digits, and as a factor - is
we write the number in binary (1101111), in octal (157), in
hexadecimal (6F), or indeed, in any other system of numeration.
We have already noted that 3 - here represented as the number of
digits, as the sum of the digits, and as a factor - is
Concerning 37 and 6, we have the interesting equality 37 = 666/(6+6+6); but, more generally, we remain firmly in the realm of numerical
geometry where we find further examples of their close
relationship, thus:
geometry where we find further examples of their close
relationship, thus:
- Thirty-seven uniform counters may be arranged on a flat surface to form any one of three symmetrical figures, octagon,
hexagon, and hexagram:
It is one of just two trifigurate numbers (the other being 91), but superior in possessing a total of 16 axes of symmetry. To make
matters even more interesting,
matters even more interesting,
73 (its denary reflection) is a unifigurate with hexagram symmetry:
- This hexagram is found to be geometrically coordinated
with the hexagon and hexagram
forms of 37 - In analogous relationships, 37 and 19 are also seen to be coordinated
- The octagonal form of 37 participates in similar relationships with the squares, 49 and 25
- 37-as-hexagon is a typical view of 64-as-cube and, being itself the difference of consecutive cubes, it has a 3-D presence as
a solid gnomon:
And, regarding the factor 6 per se: in addition to being third triangular number (as we have already seen), it is also first perfect
number and a
feature of the hexagon, hexagram and cubic geometries listed
the property 6 is itself a nested sphere ... 1+2+3=6 ... a trinity of trinities is a 9 or a NIX .. DOWNWARD SPIRAL ... IMPLOSIVE CONFLATION ... SCALAR JUMP
number and a
feature of the hexagon, hexagram and cubic geometries listed
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