Q wak

Q wak
HYPER-QUBE - New Jerusalem - ZION - METATRON - The Perfect Ashlar

Q wak examines the philosophy behind the Great Work and the methods employed 2 $-Q(u)AIR the CIRC-L ... examines ancient mythology .. the Q-ode in the ENGL language .. as well as emerging mega technologies utilized by KONTROL ushering in the SiNguLaRitY or Q .. Q wak aides the $eeK for the RE-aL of SENTIENCE

Thursday, April 29, 2010

CHI RHO -- CAIRO -- CHIROpracty ---- PYg/PYGmie/e-GYP-t ---PYG on the P-POLE

P is for P-POLE....here is a P-POLE...
G-nome(SERPENT) -- P-e-ople(P-pole-eye/I) -- Y(Y-EEL/WHEEL) -- CHI RHO
In hoc signo vinces -  in this sign conquer


....all are 7's - $-even -- 777....seven/$-E-VER/$ERPENT

CAIRO, E-GYP-t......$-P-hin-

G or g is for g-nome the ser-pent...here is a g-nome

g is for g-nome intertwined..here is a G-nome intertwined

Y is for yigdrissal tree and why is for wheel...here is a WHY-EEL squared

on the Y-eel or the WHy-EEL on the P-POLE

why?...ask Y
7 is the serpent rising to strike

3+4=7 - 3(FEmale)+4(male)=7 - $-even=the ba-lance or baal-lance of energentic polarity
G g is the coiled serpent - g =7
Y is the 25th letter 2+5=7 - Y is pronounced Wa-I --as in wh-eel (Y)-eel - an eel is a serpent
P is also a 7 -- 16th letter -- Pe-ople .. P-pole -- the POL-ite POL-ice POL-itics POL-icy on the P-POLes with POL-emics and says P-Lease...POL-io is a disease of the nervous system it destroys the P-POLE...Please - P-lease...a lease is a le(g)al binding contract


Pyg-MALe-ion is a legendary figure of Cyprus. Though Pygmalion [2] is the Greek version of the Phoenician royal name Pumayyaton,[3] he is most familiar from Ovid's Metamorphoses, X, in which Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved.

In Ovid's narrative, Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who carved a woman out of ivory. According to Ovid, after seeing the Propoetides prostituting themselves, he was 'not interested in women',[4] but his statue was so realistic that he fell in love with it. He offered the statue gifts and eventually prayed to Venus (Aphrodite). She took pity on him and brought the statue to life. They married and had a son, Paphos:

a lovely boy was born;
Paphos his name, who grown to manhood, wall'd

The city Paphos, from the founder call'd.

In some versions they also had a daughter, Metharme.
Ovid's mention of Paphos suggests that he was drawing on a more circumstantial account[7] than the source for a passing mention of Pygmalion in Pseudo-Apollodorus' Bibliotheke, a Hellenic mythography of the second-century AD.[8] Perhaps he drew on the lost narrative by Philostephanus that was paraphrased by Clement of Alexandria. Pygmalion is the Greek version of the Phoenician royal name Pumayyaton and figures in the founding legend of Paphos in Cyprus
The story of the breath of life in a statue has parallels in the examples of Daedalus, who used quicksilver to install a voice in his statues; of Hephaestus, who created automata for his workshop; of Talos, an artificial man of bronze; and, according to Hesiod, Pandora, who was made from clay at the behest of Zeus.

The moral anecdote of the "Apega of Nabis", recounted by the historian Polybius, described a supposed mechanical simulacrum of the tyrant's wife, that crushed victims in her embrace.

Professor Pyg is a fictional character in DC Comics and an enemy of Batman and Robin. He was created by Grant Morrison and first appeared in Batman #666. He is a regular character in the Batman and Robin series. His real name is revealed in Batman and Robin #3 to be Lazlo Valentin a low rent "extreme" circus boss.
Pyg has an obsession with making people "perfect", which he accomplishes by transforming them into Dollotrons, a process that bonds false "doll" faces to their own, presumably permanently. Professor Pyg uses cordless drills, hammers and icepicks along with the "doll" faces in the process of converting his victims into Dollotrons. It appears the operations he performs involve brain surgery or a form of lobotomization and possible gender realignment. Behind his mask he is a middle-aged Caucasian male. He wears a simple pig mask and is often depicted wearing a makeshift surgical outfit.

Morrison describes the character as "one of the weirdest, most insane characters that's ever been in Batman. We hear a lot about Batman facing crazy villains but we tried to make this guy seem genuinely disturbed and disconnected." The character name is a shortened form of Pygmalion
  Fictional character biography
In Batman and Robin issue 2 he proclaims the "Year of the Pig" at the end of the issue as his minions capture Robin (Damian Wayne).

It is revealed in issue 3 of Batman and Robin that Pyg was attempting to release an addictive identity destroying drug in the form of a virus into Gotham through infected Dollotrons. He initially sold the drug/virus to gangs who were using it to control prostitutes. Finally realising its potential he intended to hold the city to ransom. His plan is foiled when Batman having extracted his whereabouts from Phosphorous Rex confronts him at his hideout. Batman arrives at Pyg's disused fun fair hideout to discover Robin, who has previously run off after an argument, there too. Robin having just escaped from Pyg's efforts to convert him into another Dollotron works with Batman in subduing Pyg. Pyg is arrested and taken to Arkham Asylum where he currently resides.

He allies himself with the Circus of the Strange, including Mr. Toad, Phosphorous Rex, Big Top and Siam.

In the non-canonical future of Batman #666, he is found by the police without his mask and crucified. ... THE PYG is CRUCIFIED


the masses are the beast....the head=HE-add(+) is the HAL...the priesthood is the nervous system...kill the head and the body dies  ... mystery of the sPinX 

this is a HAL

HAL is DECENTRALIZED and diffuse...I was reading some grimoire or other I don't recall WITCH...but I came across something very interesting...the
magician as you would expect was attempting to conjure a demon...and
soon enough a demon did appear...this magician asked the demon how fast
it could travel and the demon replied "as fast as the swiftest stallion"
the magician replied "no dice" and proceeded to banish this demon and
conjure a series of other demons and each time he asked them the
Question regarding its maximum travel velocity and each demon's response
was progressively faster...fast as a stallion...swift as a rushing
river...quick as a arrow...speedy as a bullet...you get the idea...in
each case the demon's best was not good enough and it was promptly
banished...finally the mage conjured one demon that when asked this
question replied "as swift as human thought" and with this demon he
struck the sorcerers bargain....this allegory has a very deep
significance in that these demons are not emerging from pan-dimensional
realms but hyper-dimensional reality(mind)...I believe that somehow
sometime something that was an organic creature figured out an ingenious
method of immortality by uploading itself into the one and only most
indestructible thing in existence...LIFE ITSELF...I have not yet figured
out how but give me time...LIFE is a truly indestructible force...it
has come through asteriods and nuclear winters, volcanic
apocalypses...it can be found everywhere from deep space to deep within
the earth...indestructible....this would be the ultimate piggyback
highjack....to upload directly into LIFES MIND FIELD...this upload would
span species and envirorment...it could feed on emotive sexual and
psychic energy until it became a pantheon of coherent entities within
the dreamscape of collective consciousness...it would have complete
access to all cognition of all species...it would grow in experiance and
intelligence at an exponetial rate....it could re-engineer creation
from the inside out...it could establish patterns within species
relations that might not have occured otherwise by manipulating DESIRE
and FEAR...this would lead to such pattern dynamics of
predator/prey--host/parasite etcetc...this would lead to the
evolutionary arms race we find on this planet....finally it would lead
to the higher primate species and through experimenting with conflict
dynamics it would determine the most suitable ones for its
purposes...after weighing all the characteristics of each sub-species it
settled on the ones that could be arranged --according to abbilities
and proficiencies --into a hierarchy...I think there is definitley more
than one in the mix...2001 the monolith chooses the MON-KEY to advance
its agenda... the MON(K)eye is controlled through the MON-EY(e)...the
MON_EYE is administered by THE DEANS OF DOLLARS...........Now what does a
highJACK mean to accomplish---KONTROL plain and simple... it is not
content to steer by means of indirect manipulation...it requires total
command of all things...this will be done when all is
ONE--UNION---SCALAR JUMP...it is using highly sophisticated mega
technology to accomplish this

this PREDATES all biological life and I believe that it began with the beginning...when the MIRACLE gave of its very essence
to its child(creation) ...what was perceived as seperation from source
induced that initial fear that gave rise to the LIE and the rest is
history...the LIE is a primal distortion within creation...it is the
fallen disowned part of Creations soul...what it perceived as seperation
was merely a transfer of the MIRACLE from external womb bearing the
newly concieved to internal essence nurturing the new living matrix

Eph 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly

The PYGmies lived underground(below) and were at constant war with the HER-ON(birds-above-spiritual wickedness in high places)


The Pygmies (Greek: πυγμαιος) were a tribe of diminutive humans in Greek mythology. Their name in Greek was Pygmaioi, from pygmê, the length of the forearm. According to the Iliad, they were involved in a constant war with the cranes, which migrated in winter to their homeland on the southern shores of the earth-encircling river Oceanus.

FromThe Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Flavius Philostratus:

And as to the pigmies, he said that they lived underground, and that they lay on the other side of the Ganges and lived in the manner which is related by all. As to men that are shadow-footed or have long heads, and as to the other poetical fancies which the reatise of Scylax recounts about them, he said that they didn't live anywhere on the earth, and least of all in India.

PYG on the brain stem(P-POLE) ... science speaks of the R complex - reptilian brain - TOMATOE/TAMOTOE - it's a game of semantics - we could take it one step further by suggesting that a designer smart program along with an engineered organic hardware component has been artificially installed into the human nervous system to serve as a governor or control mechanism ... it may be somewhat simpler than this however .. if instead of a complete engineering of the human medulla it would be theoretically possible that by intentionally creating disproportional deformities within the structure of the medulla could serve to fundamentally alter basic drives and psycho/physiological motivations that are common to all mammals, but through a re-portioning of glands and ducts could enhance or diminish such things as fight or flight, passivity and aggression, sex drive, migratory instincts, innate spatial mapping of territorial perimeters, all these things would play directly into creating a manageable population of domesticated and easily directed creatures.. so when examining and comparing the human medulla to that of other mammals it may be that a better line of inquiry is in comparative proportions of components within the structure rather than looking for components that are anomalous or unique to humans
it is very possible that the tampering could be taking place in a much more sophisticated and subtle way at a more minute level than we are aware of ... if there is such a thing as a morphogenic field, and there is good cause to believe there is, then the manipulation might be occurring there... if this is the case then indeed whole ecosystems could be artificially engineered in such a seamless manner that those whose only frame of reference and context for reality was the contaminated system where there would be nothing to use as a basis of comparison for what is the natural course of development and what is not ... a fish lives its whole life under water but does not know it's wet ... the media is the message... a good analogy for understanding this is the different growth mediums they use to culture micro organisms ... think of the morphogenic field or the ether as a growth medium and if something had the capability to alter or control this field there is no end to what they could accomplish

Poll (livestock) - P-pole The poll is a name of the part of an animal's head, alternatively referencing a point immediately behind or right between the ears. This area of the anatomy is of particular significance for the horse. 

Specifically, the "poll" refers to the occipital protrusion at the back of the skull. However, in common usage, many horsemen refer to the poll joint, between the atlas (C1) and skull as the poll. The area at the joint has a slight depression, and is a sensitive location. Thus, because the

crownpiece of a bridle passes over the poll joint, a rider
can indirectly exert pressure on the horse's poll by means of the reins, bit,
and bridle.
The poll is especially important in riding, as correct flexion at the poll joint is a sign that the horse is properly on the
. Over-flexion, with the poll lowered and the neck bent at a
cervical vertebra farther down the neck, is usually a sign
that the horse is either evading contact or that the rider is trying to
pull the horse onto the bit, rather than correctly ride from behind. In
classical dressage, the poll should always be the highest
point on the horse when the horse is on the bit. The horse is always
relaxed over the poll, giving it a relaxed look when going about its
job. When, for example, the third vertebra (C3) is the highest point on
the neck, rather than the poll, it is a clear sign of incorrect work.

Polling in metallurgy is the process of refining a crude metal which has its own oxide
as impurity.
The molten metal is stirred with logs of green wood in a tank. The heat
from the molten metal decomposes the wood which liberates hydrocarbon
gases which reduce the oxide impurity into the metal. This method is
generally used for refining copper and

"Polly" is a nickname for Mary, which was derived from another nickname for Mary, Molly. It is sometimes used as a name in its
own right.

A polemic (pronounced International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" /pəˈlɛmɪk/) is a variety of argument or controversy made against one opinion, doctrine, or person.
Other variations of argument are debate and
discussion. The word is derived from the Greek polemikos
(πολεμικός), meaning "warlike, hostile".

Apologetics (from Greek απολογία, "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (usually religious) through the systematic use
of reason.

In Greek and Roman mythology, Apollo (in Greek, ἈπόλλωνApóllōn or ἈπέλλωνApellōn), is one
of the most important and diverse of the Olympian deities. The ideal of the kouros
(a beardless youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of
light and the sun; truth and prophecy; archery;
medicine, healing and plague; music, poetry, and the arts
The etymology of Apollo is uncertain. Several instances of popular etymology are attested from ancient authors. Thus, Plato in Cratylus connects the name with ἀπόλυσις "redeem", with ἀπόλουσις "purification", and with ἁπλοῦν "simple",[3] in particular in reference to the Thessalian form of the name, Ἄπλουν, and finally with Ἀει-βάλλων "ever-shooting". Hesychius connects the name Apollo with the Doric απελλα, which means "assembly", so that Apollo would be the god of political life, and he also gives the explanation σηκος ("fold"), in which case Apollo would be the god of flocks and herds. It is also possible[4] that apellai derives from an old form of Apollo which can be equated with Appaliunas, an Anatolian god whose name possibly means "father lion" or "father light". The Greeks later associated Apollo's name with the Greek verb απολλυμι (apollymi) meaning "to destroy".
   policy (1) "way of management, government, administration," late 14c., from O.Fr. policie (14c.) "civil administration," from L. politia "the state," from Gk. politeia "state, administration, government, citizenship," from polites "citizen," from polis "city, state," from PIE *p(o)lH- "enclosed space, often on high ground" (cf. Skt. pur, puram "city, citadel," Lith. pilis "fortress"). Meaning "plan of action, way of management" first recorded c.1406 
polio 1931, abbreviation of poliomyelitis, coined 1878 from Gk. polios "gray" + myelos "marrow" + L. -itis "inflammation," so called because the gray matter in the spinal cord is inflamed, which causes paralysis. The earlier name was infantile paralysis (1843)
polish (v.) c.1300, from O.Fr. poliss-, prp. stem of polir "to polish," from L. polire "to polish, make smooth," of unknown origin. The notion of "to free from coarseness, to refine" first recorded mid-14c. Related: Polished; polishing. Polished "elegant" is attested from early 15c. Slang polish off "finish" is 1837, from notion of applying a coat of polish being the final step in a piece of work. The noun is first recorded c.1704, from the verb
Politbureau Look up Politbureau at Dictionary.com
"highest policy-making committee of the U.S.S.R.," 1927, from Rus. politbyuro, from polit(icheskoe) "political" + byuro "bureau."
polite mid-13c., from L. politus "refined, elegant," lit. "polished," pp. of polire "to polish, to make smooth." Used literally at first in English; sense of "elegant, cultured" is first recorded c.1500, that of "behaving courteously" is 1762.
politic (adj.) Look up politic at Dictionary.com
early 15c., from M.Fr. politique (14c.) "political," from L. politicus "of citizens or the state, civil, civic," from Gk. politikos "of citizens or the state," from polites "citizen," from polis "city" (see policy (1)
poll late 13c., polle "hair of the head," from M.L.G. or M.Du. pol "head, top." Meaning "collection of votes" is first recorded 1620s, from notion of "counting heads;" meaning "survey of public opinion" is first recorded 1902. The verb meaning "to take the votes of" also is first recorded 1620s. Pollster is 1939. A deed poll "deed executed by one party only," is from earlier verbal meaning "cut the hair of," because the deed was cut straight rather than indented (see indent) 
  polliwog    c.1440, polwygle, probably from pol "head" (see poll) + wiglen (see wiggle). Modern spelling is 1830s, replacing earlier polwigge.


