Q wak

Q wak
HYPER-QUBE - New Jerusalem - ZION - METATRON - The Perfect Ashlar

Q wak examines the philosophy behind the Great Work and the methods employed 2 $-Q(u)AIR the CIRC-L ... examines ancient mythology .. the Q-ode in the ENGL language .. as well as emerging mega technologies utilized by KONTROL ushering in the SiNguLaRitY or Q .. Q wak aides the $eeK for the RE-aL of SENTIENCE

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Q wak Master Key

Q wak has been created to explore the multifarious modes of perception that induce the illusory constraints that become very real barriers between individuated consciousness and the greater truth of reality. The main obstacle that prevents the individual from meaningful participation or co-creation within this shared matrix of reality is the erroneous notion of absolutes as bookends on the spectrum of phenomenal experience(i.e. Good/Evil, Beginning/End, Heaven/Hell, God/Devil). Until the universe is correctly understood as an open system without scale and beyond scope, the individual will continue to labour under the false assumption that there is an absolute something to be sought out or discovered. The seeking will always be confined within the limitations of consensus reality that is dictated by the accepted methods of factual verification, that is, those ideas which are allowed consideration only after they have been validated by what the West terms "The Scientific Method".While this method of phenomenal confirmation does have a legitimate place in the toolbox of the seeker, it is wholly inadequate as an instrument for determining the dynamics and substance of the greater reality. The living fabric of the matrix that gives substance to this causal plain has a depth which no inanimate gauge or caliper can accurately determine. In order for the seeker to gain a meaningful sense of the non-linear flux of a field that substantiates itself with a hyper-dimensional constant that utilizes a higher order of spatial sequence to provide a platform for the phenomenal experience that is realized within our 3 dimensions, a method of creative knowing rooted in an intuitive faculty of inner-sight(insight) must be employed.
To this end the methodology of discovery employed here at Q wak will make use of the scientific method as an avenue of access to reality but will not be confined by it. For to long the seeker has been bound in their imagination by the confines of belief, which is always predicated upon those phenomena that are verified or negated by the deceptive evidence of direct sensory observation.
Here at Q wak you will find more questions than answers because in a reality that is only as interesting as the mind that encounters it there are no absolutes, only maybe's. What you will begin to find if you allow yourself to take the leap into the realm of imaginative intuition is that while the answers become less and less appearent, the questions grow ever more fascinating, and before long you may even begin to dream those dreams that transform not only yourself but the very fabric of the greater reality.
There are a few basic realities that first must be accepted in order to properly understand the concepts put forth on this site -
1: we have been mislead into thinking that the structure of our shared experience we know of as REALITY is rigid, static and inert . That it is made up primarily of inanimate material governed by immutable laws that act as impenetrable barriers between our mundane, oppressive reality and our dreams of what could be and should be a realm of wonder that matches the convictions of our hearts.
2: the universe is indeed a living system that is not bound to any LAWS ... what we perceive as laws or absolutes are in fact deeply ingrained patterns of karmic relativity that have been solidified by mutual sympathy(or the lack there of) to the greater reality ... consensus reality is the barrier between false perception and realization of life's true and full potential
3: those that control this world are well aware of the power of thought and perception in shaping tangible, physical reality ... they go to great lengths to harness and direct our imaginations
4: the controllers have made a science and an art of manipulating our hearts and minds through the use and misuse of archetypal symbols that represent primal patterns within this living matrix
5: the vast majority of all media as well as finance, education, politics, religion, and nearly all scientific endeavor is firmly within the grasp of these controlling occultist's
6:everything we encounter within our culture and most other cultures of the world are completely saturated with occult concepts and contained deeply embedded Qa'baalistic formulas based on a form of black magik
7: language is the foundation of society ... if you can not communicate there is no effective cooperation and therefore any common enterprise toward achieving collective and individual prosperity is impossible ... since language is the foundation of the society these occultic controllers wish to manipulate, it only makes sense that they would design the language with there agenda and philosophy encrypted into it ... all language ... especially English is thoroughly encrypted and encoded with Qa'baalistic precepts
8: the logic that control employs is non-linear and while it does adhere rigidly to their NATURAL PHILOSOPHY most times the coding is less than obvious ... it requires a creative, penetrating perception to uncover what has been made hidden... this is why they go to lengths to provide everyone with a television and a public education .. both retard and corrode whollistic cognition and prevent all who have been PROCESSED from penetrating the veil of their nefarious deception

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