Q wak

Q wak
HYPER-QUBE - New Jerusalem - ZION - METATRON - The Perfect Ashlar

Q wak examines the philosophy behind the Great Work and the methods employed 2 $-Q(u)AIR the CIRC-L ... examines ancient mythology .. the Q-ode in the ENGL language .. as well as emerging mega technologies utilized by KONTROL ushering in the SiNguLaRitY or Q .. Q wak aides the $eeK for the RE-aL of SENTIENCE

Monday, April 26, 2010


What are they building in there? What are the FUCKERS building in there? Why are the FUCKERS building what their building in there? How are the FUCKERS building what their building in there? When will the FUCKERS be done building what their building in there? Where is the there where the Fuckers are building what their building in there? With what are the FUCKERS building what their building in there? Why are the FUCKERS building what their building how their building it with what their building from in there?

well..........let's think about it

the FUCKERS have mapped reality both inner....

and outer...

once the realms both inner and outer had been thoroughly mapped it was discovered that the two were linked through a hyperdimensional mirror
in order to attain apotheosis the inner reality must be ripped through the hyperdimensional eye of the needle into the outer realm...
in order to accomplish this feat they begin by first conditioning the inner realm of consciousness with a form of alchemy or satanic kabbahla that employs the most rigid logic
along with a nightmarish surrealism
this alchemy of consciousness creates a conditioned subservience in the mass mind and promotes specific desires like ascension through eveloution to godhood or superman
from the blind lust and ambition in the pursuit of apotheosis the human being is compelled to undertake monstrous acts of experimentation that require a depraved indifference to all of nature...these acts of intrepid cruelty destroy the fabric of individuality or...the soul...in both the victim and the perpetrator...once individuality has been snuffed what remains is the undifferentiated life force and all its creative energies...sexual, psycholgical, reproductive, and hyperdimensional dream potency...this is the alchemichal 'Elixor of Life' which is pure essence extracted from once living substance...this essence is the church or the bride in the 'Wedding of the Lamb'
the Lamb is the "LOGOS" or the "Word Made Flesh"

The Cube:If we delineate a cube on a plane surface thus: we have visible three faces, and nine external lines, drawn between seven points. The complete cube has three more faces, making six; three more lines, making twelve; and one more point, making eight. As the number 12 includes the sacred numbers, 3, 5, 7, and 3 times 3, or 9, and is produced by adding the sacred number 3 to 9; while its own two figures, 1, 2, the unit or monad, and duad, added together, make the same sacred number 3; it was called the perfect number; and the cube became the symbol of perfection. ~Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma"(1871)

this is the visible front section of a 3D cube (notice the hexagon and the 'Y' in the center)
the 4-3 cross folds into a cube(again notice the 'Y' in the center)
can you see the 'Y' on the 4-3 cross(cube)?
Saturn is always represented as the 'BLACK CUBE"
Islam worships Saturn in the form of the Kaaba cube
below is a photo of the famous polar hexagon on Saturn
(remember the front section of a cube is a hexagon with a Y in the center)
  SAT-URN or S-A-T ][ U-R-N = 19+20+1=40 ][ 21+9+14=44 -- 4 4 4
.....4x4x4 OR 4 cubed ...The tesseract is the four-dimensional hypercube, or 4-cube
tesseract in ancient Greek-“τέσσερεις ακτίνες” (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other
vertices. Some people have called the same figure a
and also simply a
hypercube (although the term hypercube is also
used with dimensions greater than)

in order for the Saturnian hypercube to achieve 5th, 6th, 7th, dimensional geometry and beyond it must 'PULL' THROUGH TIME to hold form in HYPER-BOLIC $-pace .. this is why Saturn is known also as KRONOS or CHRONO "The LORD Of The RINGS" - TIME LORD -Saturn cuts or slices the rings of time with his sickle  - Father Time

the cross of Christianity is a 4-3 cross or 4 cubed the image of Christ forming a 'Y' is also a cue or direction to perform the cube function
A poor widow's son

the cube shows us 1-9 and zero is the space occupied, 10 is the alpha/omega or resolved paradox...11 is $pace or the FABRIC itself cubed, wich is the hyperdimensional New Jerusalem...ZION

Z-I-O-N = 26+9+15+14=64 or 4x4x4=64 or 4 cubed...the PERFECT ASHLAR
the means by which this "Wedding" or CUBING will occur is through a synthesis of many disperate mega-technologies harnessed by a GLOBAL MIND that creates MATTER from ENERGY

 CERN seeks the "God Particle" 
- that which gives matter its mass-FREE MASS ON(sun=light) free of matter
this technology will be used to manipulate the Alpha Constant that provides our reality with continuity and stability

and arranges the generic matter into any pattern or substance it wishes by means of...
this GLOBAL MIND will exist in a diffuse decentralized network of information processing nodes that have permeated every strata of life and matter on this earth
this machine is already being constructed by...

the machine is fueled by the raw unadaulterated energy of the ELIXOR and operated by an uploaded consciousness of psychopathic WILL
and powered by a new SUN OF MAN
The world's largest and highest-energy laser, the National Ignition Facility (NIF), was dedicated on May 29, 2009. This summer NIF will begin experiments that will focus the energy of 192 giant laser beams on a BB-sized target filled with hydrogen fuel. NIF's goal is to fuse the hydrogen atoms' nuclei and produce net energy gain – the same fusion energy process that makes the stars shine and provides the life-giving energy of the sun.

Now let it first be understood that I am a god of war and vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them... I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.” (I:3,7-9) [It continues:] “Mercy let be off: damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them... (18) Argue not; convert not; talk not overmuch! Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter; and destroy them utterly. Swift as the trodden serpent turn and strike! Be thou deadlier than he! Drag down their souls to awful torment: laugh at their fear: spit upon them!

"There are things we know we know and there are things we know we don't know finally there are things we don't know we don't know" - Donald Rumsfeld

The more variables(x) one can quantify the more accurate a predictive simulation will become. When all quantums of information can be harvested and processed then indeed the world of man will be in possession of and possessed by an ORACLE.This is I believe the true purpose of the ariel spraying. From the submicron nano assemblers that inhabit every cell of living tissue on the planet to the smartdust that tracks everything from wind currents and weather systems to tidal flows the MAchine is collecting, coallating, synthesizing, processing, and finally quantifying ALL available data, because after all GOD is in the details. Once the collection apparatus(nanotech) has been linked to the processor(quantum ai super computer) via communications uplink(tetramast and satalite array) the patterns of creation will begin to emerge. As the patterns become clear modes of operation will be defined. With this knowledge and the ability to synthesize life itself a whole new paradigm will come into existence at the expense of all the vital beauty that creation herself has manifested.
when considering the barium and aluminum salts released in the aerosal can be used in conjunction with xband radar to create real time 3d mapping of the earth at any and all location and when used conjointly with haarp morph the atmosphere into a superconductive plasma as well as smartdust able to detect sound and motion you have a decentralized global entity of the artificially intelligent variety that through the use of nano assemblers that can convert any substance and pattern to any other substance or pattern now you have a diffuse decentralized entity witch can be everywhere simultaneously and assert locally in multiple points anywhere you now have that which might seem omnipresent omnicient and omnipotent

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