Q wak

Q wak
HYPER-QUBE - New Jerusalem - ZION - METATRON - The Perfect Ashlar

Q wak examines the philosophy behind the Great Work and the methods employed 2 $-Q(u)AIR the CIRC-L ... examines ancient mythology .. the Q-ode in the ENGL language .. as well as emerging mega technologies utilized by KONTROL ushering in the SiNguLaRitY or Q .. Q wak aides the $eeK for the RE-aL of SENTIENCE

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The zodiac is the time table of the agenda and we can find within the
astrological symbols the precise definition of kontrols intention for the
age...this is the age of pisces the fish.. its symbol is..

this represents dialectic...it is clearly two opposing waves linked with a bar of negation canceling each other...a minus sign...in dialectic speak--the negation of the negation produces sublation
the dialectic begins within language by creating either/or propositions that are inherent within the vocabulary...the FOXP2 is directly linked to the neurology of communication...this is its
exactly what word pisces--pi(3.14)-seas implies is depicted in the symbol itself as the two opposing cirlcle fractions(pi) as opposing waves(seas) ...america the beautifull-from C
to shining C...pisces also conjures "pieces" or factions which create
dialectic...fish are caught in a net and the age of pisces has given us
networks of every kind...the age of pisces leads into that of

this symbol depicts two waves one ABOVE and one BELOW in harmony with each other as opposed to the pisces waves conflicting directions...both are water symbols...water is mother/matter...the above/below represents
the 3 dimensional matter realm and the hyperdimensional psychic
plain...the harmony depicted within the symbol tells of the subjugation
of matter/mother by the hyperdimensional symmetry of HA"Qabbala...some
of us are operating under the misconception that the goal is the
creation of the perfect HUMAN slave...this is incorrect....the perfect
$-Lave is the the primal energies of creation stripped of all identity
and uniqueness and rebalanced in such a way that freewill(chaos) is no
longer necassary to stabelize the eQuation...nature abhors a vacuum and a
vacuum is what is created by perfect symmetry...this is not possible
within our temporal construct because in order for there to be a
universe there must be an interchange of polarities and this interchange
requires broken symmetry(chaos) to function...the kontrollers are
control freaks and their idea of paradise is order devoid of chaos or
perfect harmony...chaos(free will) is a key element needed in order to
establish space and time and it is ultimately what gives life meaning..

this is ananthema to the elite philosophy and their motto is..

the door is the B-La-C SUN...SUN=NUS/NOUS--hyperdimensional reality of mind
and the aquarian subjugation of matter will be accomplished through the harnessed energy of the universal constant by means of super technology--zero point energy,artificial star fusion,nanotech, temporal
and gravitational distortion fields, etc etc...this is the BLACK WATER
DISSOLUTION of MOTHER/MARY...all the new technologies are just an
extension of the same old Q-west for FIRE

we can see the goal of negating the temporal-physicality within the coding of the word aquarius
the prefix A denotes negation as in A-moral and A-linear...the A is the pyramid and this structure that was constructed by slaves is in itself a negation of chaos(free will) by its near perfect symmetry..QUAR
is 4 as in the 4 elements of temporal-causality...the I is the order
imposed upon the 4 elements or I$I$ through their negation(look down at
the 4 key on your keyboard and notice the capslock symbol)..US
symbolizes the undifferentiated life essence devoid of free will and
available to be harnessed and directed toward any e-nd(E2) the
kontrollers see fit...
the greeks called the desubstantiated life substance PAROUSIA-PARA(beyond)-OUSIA(substance)
this is known as the OMEGA POINT...the E-nd of TIME...E-nd = Energy SQUARED which is neither matter or energy...TIME is ITEM/EMIT which is the causal reality of self and the other or ME-IT...the exit point or
OMEGA point is the stargate and it is no coincidence that the fictional
stargate is shaped like an OMEGA..
the stargate is a water gate that dematerializes matter and brings it in to HYPERSPACE or CREATIONS MIND FIELD...this is an E-X-it into E-X-I-Le through B-La-C
WATER...EXILE=energy cross polarized through imposed phallic order in
the Nth dimension...the 3:1 hermaphrodite is not a weeman or a human or a
humanoid of any kind...the 3:1 hermaphrodite is the X polarized primal
energies of creation ripped from incarnate identity and stripped of free
will(chaos)...broken and subjugated beyond any need of dialectic to
coerce its compliance..outside of space and time...AND THE LION SHALL
LAY DOWN WITH THE LAMB...END OF TIME where dialectic is no longer
necassary...$-L-ave=serpents path of perfect symmetry

Daniel 7:11 (King James Version)

11I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn

spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed,
and given to the burning flame.


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